With the end of the term in near sight, our team has been hard at work prototyping, interviewing, and mostly coding! Our team went for a divide-and-conquer approach this sprint. Val and Preet took some meetings while Jon and Isla took others. We had the opportunity to interview 3 community members in Tuktoyatuk. From these interviews, we learned about people’s experiences growing up in a small, remote Northern community, traditional practices, and dog sledding! We are implementing these interviews into our minimal viable product (MVP) because hearing and learning from the community members is incredibly impactful. For our MVP, we have decided to focus on the Arctic Games and Food Resources and we currently have these pages coded in the app. We are also including some information about the language and other general information about Tuktoyaktuk. This sprint, we have had more of a clear path. Having a clear sense of direction has been helpful in managing our stress and optimizing our productivity. With one week left before our final deadline, we are working on coding the final pages and doing some finishing touches! After that, we will prepare for our final conference on December 14th.