A New Direction

As we moved into November, the mid-year conference quickly came upon us. For many of us at INSPIRE it was our first experience getting to show off something cool we did to industry professionals and our peers. Leading up to this event, our team was very scared as we...
Inspire’s Mid-Year Conference

Inspire’s Mid-Year Conference

At the 2023 Mid-Year Conference, students involved in an extensive experiential learning initiative presented their project milestones, reflecting the culmination of months of dedicated work. Students showcased their evolving projects, each blending unique research...
Women in STEM Mixer – October

Women in STEM Mixer – October

Two dozen co-op students impressed a diverse audience when they presented their progress in working with community partners on solutions to real-life challenges, during the first networking event held by the INSPIRE program. INSPIRE – which provides co-op...
Team reflection for the first sprint

Team reflection for the first sprint

During this month, we all had been working and learning together. After the team division, we worked together while making content which includes our introduction, team photo and information about our community partners for our project web page. Our team got to meet...
Women in STEM Mixer – July

Women in STEM Mixer – July

Inspire’s 2022 “Women in STEM Networking Mixer,” is an exciting event designed to connect, inspire, and empower women in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. This one-of-a-kind evening will feature a round of introductions to...