During this sprint, our team accomplished several key tasks. First, we conducted an in-depth system study to gain a better understanding of the project. Next, we generated dummy data using Postman, creating Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), and also collected data from a web form to test its functionality. We allocated a significant amount of time to enhance our comprehension of the system’s intricacies. 

We had a productive meeting with our main Community Partner (Micah Nepal) to discuss project details.We also  followed up with Tearfund to maintain communication and progress tracking of the system. 

We also dedicated effort to prepare a presentation for playback-II, as we wanted to improve upon our previous performance in this regard. Additionally, we conducted trial runs to ensure everything was functioning smoothly.

What’s equally noteworthy is the remarkable progress we’ve witnessed within our team dynamics. There’s a genuine sense of openness and camaraderie that has emerged among team members, which has greatly contributed to an atmosphere of trust and seamless collaboration. 

It’s worth mentioning that, at one point this week, we encountered a minor conflict within the team concerning the choice of colors in our presentation.  

However, I’m pleased to say that we successfully resolved this issue through constructive dialogue and compromise. This experience highlights our team’s ability to address challenges head-on and work together to find creative solutions, strengthening our overall cohesiveness and problem-solving capabilities.