During this month, we all had been working and learning together. After the team division, we worked together while making content which includes our introduction, team photo and information about our community partners for our project web page.

Our team got to meet one of the community partner Tearfund Nepal’s representatives on 14th September, Friday. In this meeting, we had a general introduction sharing session. We agreed to have a meeting once a week with Micah Nepal and once every two weeks with Tearfund Nepal.

On 14th September, Friday we had our first playback. The main focus was to introduce our project to the Canada team. We worked effectively while making the presentation. We understood each of our strengths and weaknesses. Each member contributed while getting the presentation ready. There were some confusions regarding what we should include and what we should not.

We believe that the playback did not go as we planned. We made some mistakes which we will make sure to correct in the next playback. Also, we will be working on our communication and presentation skills to feel more confident in the upcoming meetings. One thing that we realized is that we need more preparation beforehand. Due to limited time, we were also not able to conduct a dry run. We believe these mistakes should be taken positively and work on it so that it will not be repeated next time.

Overall, it was a good experience and we are enjoying the process. We’re looking forward to collaborating within our team and bringing out the best in each other.