Educational Tools for Neurodiverse Learners

We are Neurovation, a team dedicated to making learning easier for neurodiverse students. In collaboration with the University of Victoria’s faculty, staff, and students, we aim to develop a tool on Brightspace that enhances the user experience for neurodiverse learners, empowering everyone to reach their full potential. Our goal is to foster a more inclusive educational environment by offering resources tailored for neurodivergent conditions. With our talented team and support from INSPIRE, UVic faculty, staff, ambassadors, and mentors, we’re set to create something truly impactful.


Manshahj Singh

Manshahj Singh

3rd year Software Engineering Student

Lasya Bulusu

Lasya Bulusu

3rd year Biomedical Engineering Student

Joseph Bresee

Joseph Bresee

Software Engineering Student

Arda Berktin

Arda Berktin

3rd year Software Engineering Student


Anthony Estey: Anthony Estey, an esteemed computer science professor at the University of Victoria, Is well-known for his excellent work in teaching introductory computer science. He has a vision that developing students’ computer science skills changes the world. Anthony has been a great mentor for us, by helping us conduct research among the student demographic in UVic, and guiding us towards creating a big social impact.

Navneet Popli: Navneet Popli is a very involved individual within the software and educational atmosphere, researching many topics like software scalability and AI, as well as advocates for female and BIPOC participation within the software engineering industry. Navneet has been an inspiring mentor for our team by teaching crucial research and software development methodologies.




Team Reflection II

Team Reflection II

This sprint was pivotal in helping us solidify our understanding of the problem statement, drawing from both past...

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