AI for Non-Profits

AI is transforming industries, but what about the organizations that need it the most—our non-profits? With fundrAIse, we’re bringing the power of AI to these crucial pillars of our community. Imagine non-profits creating impactful campaigns faster than ever, sending personalized reports that engage their donors, and amplifying their message to reach more people. fundrAIse is here to supercharge their efforts, making every action more effective and every connection more meaningful. Let’s put AI to work for the causes that truly matter!


Quinn Webster

Quinn Webster

3rd Year Software Engineering Student

Nitin Gupta

Nitin Gupta

1st year MSc Computer Science

Hailey Gascoigne

Hailey Gascoigne

4th year Computer Eng. Student

Olivia Choi

Olivia Choi

3rd year Computer Science Student


Our community partner is MeaningfulWork, a company based out of Vancouver that is dedicated to connecting non-profits with volunteers and donors. They are developing an innovative system to support non-profits in crafting compelling fundraising content and expanding their donor outreach. Our team is focused on helping achieve this goal using AI-assisted text generation tools to enhance the quality, relevance, and impact of their campaigns, ultimately driving stronger engagement with potential donors.