Team Reflection for the sixth sprint

Team Reflection for the sixth sprint

Our Sprint started with Tihar vacation. We only worked for two days remotely in the first week. In the second week we were supposed to be back to office for work but due to our other team’s field visited to Rukum, we continued to work remotely. Working remotely was...
Team Reflection for the fifth sprint

Team Reflection for the fifth sprint

This sprint was different and important for us beacuse we had mid-year conference. It was a great opportunity to present our project to the special guests. Talking about our mid-year conference preparation journey, it started with creating slides, video shoot, late...
Team reflection for the fourth sprint

Team reflection for the fourth sprint

 This sprint, we worked for just the first week and the second week was off because of the Dashain festival. Due to this reason, we didn’t have much time for major progress. But still we managed to do some fixes and refactoring of the code. We managed to do a...
Team reflection for the third sprint

Team reflection for the third sprint

In this sprint, some of the tasks that our team carried out were setting up Azure DevOps, follow up meeting with community partner and resolved frontend issues. Our team mostly focused on frontend issues these two weeks and we gave a demo of the issues that we fixed...
Team reflection for the second sprint

Team reflection for the second sprint

During this sprint, our team accomplished several key tasks. First, we conducted an in-depth system study to gain a better understanding of the project. Next, we generated dummy data using Postman, creating Data Transfer Objects (DTOs), and also collected data from a...
Team reflection for the first sprint

Team reflection for the first sprint

During this month, we all had been working and learning together. After the team division, we worked together while making content which includes our introduction, team photo and information about our community partners for our project web page. Our team got to meet...