Final Touches!

Final Touches!

Whew! It’s been a long ride. From meeting the team and our community partner where we heard the problem for the first time, to the site visits and understanding and narrowing our scope. We have finally come to the last stretch of our internships, and we couldn’t...
The Structure of our Solution

The Structure of our Solution

The Intended end users of our products are the staff at the CRD, particularly the Watershed Protection Division. Within the described end users, there are two main user categories we are focusing on, “Staff” and “Admin”. Most Watershed Protection Division staff, like...


This sprint, our team had trouble dividing tasks, which was a challenge. But in hindsight, it was a valuable experience.  We all shared different ideas, leading to effective collaboration and success. We embraced and overcame the challenge, learning from it....
Overcoming Project Challenges

Overcoming Project Challenges

One of our biggest accomplishments this sprint is presenting our lo-fi prototype during our bi-weekly meeting to our Community Partner, Nigel. It was really rewarding to be able to deliver a working, albeit rough, draft of our proposed solution to the problem. It was...
Step 1: Choosing a Scope

Step 1: Choosing a Scope

This sprint was highly rewarding for our team as it included a crucial in-person visit to the Capital Regional District’s watershed. This on-site experience provided invaluable clarity about the situation and the project’s scope since we were able to infer...
Getting started

Getting started

Our team’s journey into the INSPIRE program began with a sense of excitement and anticipation. On the second day, we gathered to watch the project presentation delivered by the CRD manager and IT support staff. The presentation was our first glimpse into the...