Over the past two weeks, our team has encountered a variety of challenges and achievements while working on our project. We started with some difficulties, particularly as newcomers dealing with merge conflicts. The workshops proved immensely beneficial for enhancing our backend skills. Despite our substantial workload, we set too many tasks for the sprint, leading to unmet goals. We recognized the need for further understanding and potentially visiting the project location in the coming weeks. There were also some changes in team members responsible for presentations.

We made significant progress by implementing the project’s solution based on the designed database, applying the concepts we had learned in various workshops. The introduction of DevOps has been valuable in planning and tracking our project’s progress, enhancing our professionalism in task division and documentation. However, we found ourselves falling short of the goals we had set for this sprint and acknowledge the need for more precise planning in future sprints.

Despite some setbacks, this sprint has been more rewarding and productive than previous ones. We’ve made substantial headway in bringing our project to life. We recognize the importance of approaching tasks with confidence, irrespective of the final outcome. Several of us have shifted our focus toward independent problem-solving and learning new skills, such as JavaScript and TypeScript.

Our collective growth and learning journey over the past 1.5 months have been remarkable, and we attribute this to the support we’ve received from our mentors. We’re not claiming perfection, but we acknowledge our progress. We’ve also gained valuable insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) and stakeholder mapping during this period. We also enjoyed our fun playback sessions and appreciated the leadership within the team that fosters accountability, dedication, and a commitment to both our individual growth and the success of the project. While we set ambitious goals, we recognize the need to refine our goal-setting process and ensure they are attainable in the future.