Time really does fly when you’re deep in a project. It feels like just yesterday we were getting started, and now we’re fully immersed in the technical side of things.

This sprint was focused on laying the bricks of the foundation, starting with our Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD). Our first meeting with the community partner was an eye-opener. We came in with a draft of our ERD, but their feedback made us realize there were elements we hadn’t fully considered. It was a humbling experience, but it helped us better understand their needs. After the meeting, we sat down together, buzzing with new ideas, and revised our ERD. Each revision felt like a step toward getting their vision right, and there was a shared excitement as we saw our abstract ideas come to life.

Setting up the database was like solving a puzzle with ever-changing pieces. We had to rework it several times, but we kept pushing forward. Each revision was another page in our “Alchemist’s Codex”—where each challenge isn’t just about fixing problems but crafting something bigger, a digital framework that will stand the test of time. It was all part of the process, and we kept encouraging each other along the way.

Then came the APIs, the final touch—the magic that brings everything to life. The APIs felt like the spells from the codex, connecting our database to the outside world and making it dynamic, interactive, and transformative. Each team member was responsible for their section of the API, which felt a bit overwhelming at first. But soon, it became a valuable learning experience. We ran into challenges, but we supported each other, and when needed, we turned to our mentor for guidance. It was an incredible feeling when all the pieces came together and the API worked seamlessly.

One of the biggest challenges this sprint was that not all of us could be available in person due to personal reasons. But we adapted by using virtual tools, staying connected, and ensuring smooth collaboration regardless of physical presence.

As this sprint wraps up, we feel a sense of pride in what we’ve built so far. We’ve not only laid the groundwork but also grown as a team. The next phase—frontend development—will bring new challenges, but we’re ready. Each page we’ve added to our codex has made us stronger, and with the teamwork and skills we’ve developed, we know we can handle anything that comes our way.